Start the movement

Have all of the Thanksgiving feasts left you feeling sluggish and 10 pounds heavier?

Want an easy way to get things moving in the right direction? Two often over looked foods can easily do just that, fiber and cultured foods. Cultured foods like kraut and kefir will help to digest all of those wonderful holiday foods, add kombucha in there and now you can also help the liver and other cells detoxify from the excess sugars and other unexpected chemicals in our food.  Fiber helps to keep our digestive system in top condition. Sweeping the digestive tract of food residues, and absorbing the toxins removed by the liver, fiber is an important part of our diet.  To keep everything moving, try Foods Alive Flax Crackers for a great tasting super healthy nutrient packed source of fiber. These crackers are loaded with Omega’s 3, 6 and 9 along with Magnesium, Manganese, cooper, iron, and vitamins A, B6 and Folate.  With great flavors like: Mexican Harvest, Coconut Curry and Lemon Chia crunch, and over 35% of your daily fiber these crackers are sure to be a hit.


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